The Hipshipper order life cycle starts when an international sale is made and the order is imported from your online store to the Hipshipper control panel. It ends when the order is shipped from our warehouse to your buyer.
During this process, you have three small, but essential tasks to take care of:
1. Ordering the item from your supplier to the HS warehouse.
2. Updating the HS system with the tracking number you received from your supplier.
3. Paying the shipping fee.
The order life cycle consists of four statuses:
• "Pending" - new order created. We are waiting for it to be shipped from your supplier to our warehouse.
At this point, you need to order the item from your supplier, using the ‘Hipshipper address’.
The Hipshipper address format is as follows:
777 Henderson Blvd
Building 9/BAY 10 Hipshipper
Folcroft, PA
* Buyer ID and Sale # for each order are provided in your Hipshipper control panel
** If you press on Sale#, you can see the Hipshipper address in the pop-up that will open
All you need to do is copy that address and paste it as the shipping address for the order you made with your supplier.
Once you get a domestic tracking number – Update it in the Hipshipper order’s “domestic tracking” field.
DON’T update that tracking number on eBay (we will upload the international tracking number to eBay right after we create the international label).
• "Awaiting payment" – After the domestic tracking is updated, the order’s status changes to “Awaiting payment”.
At this point your balance will be charged the shipping fee and an international shipping label will be created for the order.
If your balance is insufficient, no label will be created and once the item arrives at our warehouse it will be held until shipping is paid (up to 2 weeks, after which it will be disposed of).
** Adding funds to the Hipshipper account balance is done by charging your credit card. For more on updating credit card info and topping up your balance, read here.
• "Awaiting shipment" – the international shipping label is created within 15 minutes of payment.
At that time, the international tracking number will also be uploaded to your eBay order and your customer will be notified.
** At this point, your order is marked as shipped on eBay, even though it is possible that the item is still in transit to our warehouse.
We do that because we want you to meet the handling time limit that you set for your orders.
• "Shipped" - when the item arrives at our warehouse, we conduct a visual inspection.
If everything is as it should be, we process and ship it to the customer. That is when the status changes to shipped. If there is any issue, we raise a support ticket for that order.
Read this article for more on working with Hipshipper support.
• See tutorials in English and Hebrew